Tips Kunjungan Pertama Anak ke Dokter Gigi

Tips Kunjungan Pertama Anak ke Dokter Gigi
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Parents are recommended to schedule their children's first dental visit when they are around one year old or when their first teeth begin to appear. During this stage of development, the dentist will do a comprehensive examination of the child's dental and oral health. In addition, the doctor will offer guidance on oral hygiene and strategies for preventing dental issues in children.


Essential Tips for Your Child's First Dentist Visit

It is possible that some parents will experience anxiety when they take their child to the dentist for the very first time. The following are a few suggestions that may be beneficial:

Choose a Dentist

The first step for your child's first visit to the dentist is to find a pediatric dentist (pedodontist). It is important to find a pediatric dentist, as they have special training in caring for the teeth of children, including babies, toddlers and teenagers.

They also have an understanding of how children's teeth and jaws develop, as well as the ability to communicate with and calm children who may be frightened or afraid of dental care.

Additionally, pediatric dentist clinics typically have equipment and environment that are designed to attract children and make them feel comfortable before they visit.

Get your child ready

Tell your children of the benefits of dental care before their appointment. To make dental visits more enjoyable, you might watch cartoons or read picture books about it. Taking this step can help kids feel happier and more at ease.

Read more: Children's Teeth Fall, Can It Grow Again?

Choose the right schedule

Try to schedule a visit time when your child is not overly tired, drowsy, hungry, or sick. This helps them stay calm and cooperative.

Bring their favorite things

Bring their favorite toy or object to hold during the appointment. Favorite items can provide a sense of comfort and distract from worries.

Show a positive attitude

Children often behave in the same way as their parents. Show the dentist that you believe them and are at ease with them. Your child will feel calmer and less scared if you have a good attitude.

Read more: At What Age Are The Baby's First Teeth Growing?

Anticipate your next visit

Children who are experiencing problems with their mouths and teeth may require additional examinations or re-control. If the child knows what to expect on the next appointment, they are more likely to be cooperative and relaxed.

Ask the child to describe the first visit and how the dentist helped. Give children gifts to motivate them.

Involve children in interesting ways to practice tooth care at home; for example, you can teach them how a dentist brushes and examines teeth with a doll or toy.


First visits to the dentist can be challenging for children, especially if they are very clingy or otherwise difficult to calm down. You need to keep your calm and be patient in this situation. Children may experience their parents' tension; so, handling children gently will help them to relax as well.

Talk to your doctor about your worries. To help your child feel more at ease, they may have special methods or techniques. Thank them for being brave by giving them praise or a small gift after the visit. This might help you look forward to your next trip to the dentist.

If you have any more questions about tooth problems in children, you can either visit a dentist or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


Looking for more information about pregnancy, breastfeeding, and the health of women and children? Click here!

Writer : Agatha Writer
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Jumat, 26 Juli 2024 | 06:58